Free reliance net on PC !!!!
>> Tuesday, April 20, 2010
1)Download dotproxy !!!
Dotpx by kunalTG
2) install Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5 SP1.[if you are a windows 7 user then no need to do this step u can directly go to the 3rd step]
Dotnetfx35 by kunalTG[231.5MB]
::link for reliance users::
if you are having low bandwidth problem then you can download this compact file but
it is not tested yet its just 23MB.trick is perfectly working with the 231.5 mb dotnet!!!
compact dotnetfx
3) unzip the archive and run DotProxy.exe.
4) fill with following values local port :1234
remote proxy or port 8080
in url mod click add and type 0:id=jCustomerWAPProv
5) before doing this make sure that you are connected to net using rcomwap in pc..normally u get popup like 460kbps connected and all then do following !
click on start buttn.[if you are getting DONT SEND error then there is problem in dotnetfx,try reinstalling dotnetfx]
6) open ur browser and set it to use proxy as : and port as : 1234
Enjoy free browsing !!!
this help file(read first) is also given in zip file !!!
you can also download,,do the same settings in IDM & done !!!
Enjoy free downloading