TIme lapse Photography using S60 mobile !!

>> Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Just do the following steps to capture Time Lapse Photo using ur cell !!!
1)Install python in your S60 mobile !!!!
just google it you will get it !!!

Custom Search

if you are having any problems then u can request me here by COMMENTING!!!
(U also need to intall python modules pack which is generally there with python)

2)Then make a new text file and copy following code in it !!

import appuifw

import time

import camera

import os

import graphics
## Change sleepcount to modify the gap (in seconds) between two images

##Don't set it too low or it won't work.





while True:

##Images are captured with 640x480 resolution..If you change it, make sure your camera supports it. Night mode etc is not used.



## print "captured %d"%(i)


## print "saved %d"%(i)



## print sleepcount-timediff

time.sleep(sleepcount-timediff>0 or 0)


3)Save this file as .py extension.
4)Copy this file to python folder in ur cell,,(if not there then create )
5)open python & select run script from options tab.
6)Then select file created by you i.e.XXX.py.
7)Now it will start capturing images continuously after every 10 seconds.
8)You should not move ur cell now..according to me prefer tripod !!!
9)I will advice u to run the script for longer time ,for good Time lapse Photography !
10)The script will store images in images folder only,,you just copy those images in ur PC & make video from them using quicktime pro !!!

now you have done ,,,,,enjoy time lapse photography using your S60 phone!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

**here i have posted just a procedure , because i thing you will get the applications easily from google! if having some trouble then request me here using COMMENTS !!!!

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